Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Posted Mon, 01/11/2021 - 21:10
By admin

What is the African Green Stimulus Programme?

The African Green Stimulus Programme (AGSP) is an innovative African-led initiative developed to support the Continent’s recovery response in a sustainable manner to the devastating socio-economic and environmental impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The AGSP is designed to mobilise financial and technical resources for African Green Economy, Climate Change and Environment Programmes, and therefore focuses on Financing, Resource Mobilization, Capacity Building, Research and Technology, Communication and Partnerships as key enabling elements of the Programme.

The AGSP intends to promote buy-in, support and political will from all African institutions, agencies, private sector, civil society and Member States in the green economy and environmental programmes of Africa. Involvement of the Youth and addressing Gender issues are also key elements of this Programme.

The Programme provides an overarching framework and on-line system which consolidates and coordinates existing and new Green Economy and Climate Change initiatives in Africa, which have been grouped into twelve key areas under one umbrella.

The Programme proposes 1) immediate and urgent interventions, 2) short to medium term interventions and 3) longer term transformative interventions over the next ten years to support the sustainable growth, entrepreneurial development and employment opportunities in key green economy sectors whilst building resilience to future shocks in Africa.

What is the overall goal of the African Green Stimulus Programme?

The African Green Stimulus Programme is intended to bring about a unifying Continental response by enhancing and forging partnerships between Intergovernmental Organisations, African countries, the Private Sector and Non-governmental Organisations in the support of a comprehensive Green Recovery programme for Africa.

The Programme is intended to be dynamic and responsive to support African countries attainment of Africa’s Agenda 2063 aspirations, relevant Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement targets, to deliver impactful at scale interventions in order to recover from the Pandemic, whilst transforming and catalysing Africa’s sustainable development towards a low-carbon developmental trajectory by 2030.

The Programme aims to mobilise enhanced financial and technical resources to upscale and enhance the implementation of existing Blue and Green Economy and Climate Change initiatives, whilst identifying areas requiring new interventions to support Africa’s Green Recovery and long-term transformation towards a sustainable development pathway.

How does the African Green Stimulus Programme work?

The African Green Stimulus Programme has high-level endorsement from the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN), and the African Union (AU). Policy documents on the AGSP are presented to both AMCEN and the AU for consideration and adoption.

On a technical level, the AGSP is overseen by a Coordinating Committee for the implementation of the key areas in the programme. This is to provide technical support and coordination of the entire Programme and be responsible for monitoring and evaluation as well as reporting for the entire Programme.

The AGSP has an on-line platform comprising a detailed portfolio of projects and programmes to ensure that the programme is dynamic and interactive, and that it can be accessed publicly and updated regularly.

The development and implementation of this Green Stimulus Programme for Africa is being be fast-tracked in order to contribute meaningfully towards broader African post-COVID-19 response and recovery programmes and contribute towards the sustainable development of Africa over the next decade.

How is the African Green Stimulus Programme being financed?

Within the African Region, as in most other developing regions, green recovery investment needs are significant as direct government funding is limited, and variable amongst Member States. Financing mechanisms for the AGSP should build upon existing systems that support action on climate change, environment and advancing the green economy in Africa.

The mobilising sufficient, additional resources and effective utilisation of these for the implementation of the portfolio of programmes is one of the overall goals of the AGSP. Therefore, the Programme will be able to deliver impactful results at scale, only when new, additional, adequate and predictable financial resources from both public and private entities are mobilised.

Resources are also being mobilised to finance the operational aspects of the AGSP, including dedicated personnel and the management of the AGSP On-line Platform.

What are the benefits of joining the African Green Stimulus Programme?

There are a number of benefits for programmes joining the AGSP, including:

  • Enhanced collaboration opportunities for projects and programmes
  • Exposure and marketing opportunities for projects and programmes
  • Enhanced financial and technical resource mobilisation for projects and programmes
  • Technical advice and support for the upscaling of programmes